100 x 600 εκατοστά (39.37 x 236.22 ίντσες)
Dracos Art Centre, Αθήνα (1985). Συλλογή Ιόλα. Decorative Art and Design, Sworders Fine Art Auctioneers (2013-01-29, Lot: 213).
Stefanidis, M. (1990). Yannis Bouteas: Grecia - XLIV Biennale di Venezia 1990. Athens: Ministry of Culture: Department of Fine Art.
Yiannis Bouteas, Sakkoula, N., Koskina, K., Mavrommatis, E. and Scarpia-Haupel, X. (2004). Yiannis Bouteas : States in Flux 1970 - 2004. Athens: Futura.